Your fire protection specialists
Fire protection specialists for preventive fire protection
The activities of the fire protection specialist serve the purpose of early detection, reporting and remedy of fire dangers and defects so that an essential contribution to preventive fire protection is made. As fire protection specialist who underwent training according to the Technical Guidelines for Preventive Fire Protection (technische Richtlinien für den vorbeugenden Brandschutz - TRVB) and has sufficient technical knowledge also an external person can be appointed who does regular rounds and performs checks within the framework of operational fire protection for your company.

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Did you know?
The keys for access of the fire protection specialist to your company are kept safe in the key safe deposit of the high security area of the emergency control centre in an anonymised form. If your fire alarm system is connected to the HEL-WACHT emergency call centre in operation 24/7, not only the fire brigade can be called but also a fire protection guard and/or fire watch can be provided at short notice, if needed – security around the clock.